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A Farmer-Centric Capacity Building Project

EIT Food GROW is a capacity building project that combine innovation with the knowledge and perceptions already held by farmers, offering a set of initiatives to empower farmers, producers and agri-food professionals across Europe to move towards a sustainable and resilient food system.

Über uns

Om oss

Workshops är två utbildningssessioner med titeln "Grow Workshop" som fokuserar på trender och framväxande teknologier inom hållbarhet inom livsmedelsindustrin. Målet är att diskutera och ompröva praxis och tekniker som används inom jordbruket samt utforska nya affärsmodeller baserade på nya möjligheter och teknologier samtidigt som ett nätverk av kontakter inom den europeiska hållbarhetsekosystemet etableras. Dessa workshops är kostnadsfria och börjar den 6:e och 27:e november. De riktar sig till producenter och små och medelstora företag (SMEs) verksamma inom primärproduktionen av livsmedel.


EIT Food, etablerat av European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), syftar till att bygga upp en inkluderande och innovativ gemenskap av olika partners inom jordbruks- och livsmedelsindustrin för att främja innovation och entreprenörskap i hela Europa.


- Highlight the vital role of primary production and farmers in reshaping food systems.

- Encourage farmers' awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship. - Improve access and utilization of digital agri-food technologies. 

-Smooth the shift to sustainable agriculture and regenerative practices.

- Boost value from agricultural waste and side streams in the circular bioeconomy.

What you learn? / Advantages

GROW will provide you with knowledge, resources and tools that will help you optimize your agricultural businesses while enhancing sustainable agriculture (i.e., how to scale up regenerative agriculture, increase soil health, increase adoption of digital technologies, reduce and better use of agricultural waste/side streams in the emerging circular bioeconomy, reverse the negative effects of unsustainable agricultural practices, etc.)

Who is it for?

This programme is specially designed for key actors in the primary production phase of the food supply chain. Primarily farmers with special focus on young (16-25 years old) and women from RIS countries, but also SMEs, startups, industry, public/private organisations, among others.

Career Opportunities

GROW offers not only valuable knowledge and skills to optimize your agri-food business but also open exciting career opportunities. By participating in the project, you will gain access to a vast network of industry experts, mentors, and potential collaborators who can guide and support your professional growth.

-Stand out in agri-food with diverse activities for a job market advantage.

-Network with stakeholders, potential employers, and partners.

-Enhance skills for innovative, sustainable agri-food solutions.



‘What is most important is the visibility that [the programme] has given to this whole movement [of transitioning to sustainable and regenerative agriculture]. Knowing the base line, the backbone of EIT Food, this is the way to give voice to this movement and effectively have a transformation at a global level.’

João Valente, Monte Silveira Bio (Farmer)


3 years, 2023 - 2025

Participation Fee 

Participation in EIT Food GROW Workshops is completely free or charge. However, to secure your place in some of the activities, registration may be required.

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